
Kashan is a city found in Isfahan, Iran. It is located 33.98 latitude and 51.44 longitude and it is situated at elevation 942 meters above sea level. Kashan has a population of 272,359 making it the 3rd biggest city in Isfahan. It operates on the IRDT time zone, which means that it follows the same […]

Isfahan, Half of the World Isfahan, the third largest city of Iran after Tehran and mashhad is the home of 1.6 million people. It is one of the oldest cities of the country. Isfahan was once the capital of Iran and the largest city in the world. Isfahan is located in central part of the […]

Shiraz the Ancient City Shiraz is a City in south-central Iran. The history of this ancient city goes back over 4000 years ago. Shiraz is known as the most beautiful city of the country. This city is filled with beautiful gardens, mosques and historical places. Shiraz is the capital of Fars Province and the fifth […]

Kish is a an island located in Persian gulf 19 kilometers from mainland Iran in Bandar Lengeh County in Hormozgān Province. Kish is only 91.5 square kilometers. Kish is one of the most favorite places to visit in the country. Its warm weather during winter is a good reason for Iranian to go south and […]