Kish is a an island located in Persian gulf 19 kilometers from mainland Iran in Bandar Lengeh County in Hormozgān Province. Kish is only 91.5 square kilometers. Kish is one of the most favorite places to visit in the country. Its warm weather during winter is a good reason for Iranian to go south and enjoy its sunny sky instead of freezing in the upper part of the country. Kish might get very hot during summer but in fall, winter and even spring you have a chance to visit the island and enjoy its nice sunny weather, swimming in the beach and dive in its clean water to see the fishes and sea plants.
Kish, like the other Persian Gulf Islands, especially the islands in the Strait of Hormuz, is located on a narrow strip of tropical vegetation in the Northern Hemisphere, with the Persian plateau to the north and the Arabian Peninsula to the south. In addition to its special geographic and climatic attributes, Kish, like other nearby islands, such as Forur, Hendurabi, Shatuar, and Lavan, and even Qeshm, is under the sway of the semi-equatorial climate dominating this band of vegetation.
The Island is almost flat, there you can see no mountains or even high hills. There is not lots of rainfall on the island but when it rains it turns the island into a lake, so it’s important to visit the island when there is not a chance of seasonal rainfall.
Kish is free trade zone that is one of the reasons this little island is so rich and prosperous. This is a paradise for those who loves shopping. Kish is full of shopping centers, malls, bazaars, luxurious hotels and many other tourist attractions.
Almost 40,000 people live there but one million tourists visit Kish each year. Actually it’s the third most visited place for Vacation trip in Southeast Asia after cities like Sharm el-Sheikh and Dubai. For visiting this island some nations need a visa to enter the free trade zone in Iran and they can stay there for 14 days.
Kish is located in a strategic zone, during different historical periods this island was an important spot for trading and sailing through eastern seas. The name of the island was mentioned a lot in so many old texts.
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran in 1970s tried to make the island a luxury destination for international tourism and made a Grand Casino for that purpose and an International Airport, built in the center on an elevated area 35–40 m (115–131 ft) above sea level. After the Islamic Revolution the casino changed its name and function to Shayan International Hotel and the Kish Island became a duty-free shopping center.
Kish is a really beautiful island, the people are so nice and hospitable just like all Iranian people around the country. You have a lot to enjoy in Kish, like enjoying water parks of the island, riding a bicycle in clean air around the island, sailing in the clean water and watching dolphins swimming near the beach.
If you love to try new tastes, there are lots of restaurants on the island that offers you sea food in a good quality and perfect taste.
kish island